Thursday, August 13, 2009

'Gay Marriage Battle' Commentary

In Shaina Vitanza's blog, Gay Marriage Battle, Shaina states that "Times are changing, things that used to be considered "weird" or "unacceptable" are now being tied to the word "normal" and "artistic."" and I could not agree more. The Constitution does grant everybody equality so gay marriage shouldn't be an issue. Like Shaina, I am also not for gay marriage but it does not affect me so it should be righteous for every state to allow it.

She stated that "The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that the right to marry the person you love is so fundamental that states cannot abridge it. If this is true, denying a gay couple the right to marry is a huge contradiction." which is correct and should be common sense. All Americans should have the right to marry whomever they love and the right to gay marriage should be upheld no matter what. Legalizing gay marriage wouldn't hurt anyone but even further the constitutional right to be treated equal-- which is even a more reason to support it!

Furthermore, I think that Shaina brought up good points about supporting the same-sex marriage issue. Her proof of court cases and using the Constitution to support her idea were excellent in giving the idea that all Americans should have equal rights and that we should "uphold this right for all Americans, no matter what their sexual preference may be."

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