Tuesday, August 4, 2009

'Mountain out of Mole Hill' Commentary

In Government by Asia's blog, "'Mountain out of Mole Hill' Approach Slows Government", Asia talks about an incident that happened on July 16th where a man named Henry Louis Gates (an African American professor at Harvard) was charged with disorderly conduct for breaking into his own house. He had been profiled by the arresting officer, Sgt. James Crowley, who is white and during a press conference a week later, president Obama was asked questions regarding the incident and stated that he thought the police "acted stupidly" in their handling of this incident.

But I disagree with Obama's comment because the officers were told that "two black males with backpacks are trying to gain entry into a house"-- which instantly sounds like a burglary situation. Also, the professor lost his temper to the cops which made the officers be even more convinced that the professor was guilty. Obama's comment about the police seems one-sided on the professor because he's African American.

I have been aware of this news before and I instantly thought that this matter was insignificant. But otherwise, such an incident doesn't seem like a situation important enough to be brought up to the president in Asia's opinion and I agree. The media just wants Obama's opinion on this situation so they can scramble his comments to how people want to hear it. But honestly, Obama should have nothing to do with this insignificant issue and should be more focused on fixing the economy of the U.S.

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